12 Social Media Post Ideas for Churches and Nonprofits

If you’re responsible for social media at a church or nonprofit organization, this blog is for you. Let’s explore how to harness the power of social media to maximize your outreach and impact!

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Social Media Post Ideas for Consultants and Coaches

Being a coach or consultant is a rewarding career path – but coming up with fresh social media post ideas after a long day of helping your clients doesn’t always sound like fun!

In this blog, I will share some of my favorite social media post ideas for consultants and coaches – and some great real-life examples, too!

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Want to be a Thought Leader? Try Content Marketing!

Thought leadership is not just about being knowledgeable; it’s about being KNOWN for your knowledge, and using this expertise to help others.

For small businesses, embracing thought leadership as a strategy can be a game-changer! This blog will teach you how to build thought leadership through consistent content creation. It even includes four clear-cut steps for getting started.

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Six Social Media Post Ideas for Photographers

Photographers have to get creative when marketing themselves, especially in highly populated areas or tourist destinations. But it doesn’t have to cost a fortune! Social media is free, and with the tips and ideas provided in this blog, you’ll be well on your way to filling your calendar for the foreseeable future.

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How to Brainstorm New Social Media Post Ideas for Your Small Business

With summer coming up, it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your social media strategy. If you’re feeling a bit stuck and not sure where to go next, check out this article for a behind-the-scenes look at my top 5 tips for generating new social media post ideas.

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7 Social Media Post Ideas for Realtors

In today’s fast-changing market, real estate agents are finding that having a consistent digital presence is more important than ever! But constantly creating quality content while listing, showing, and selling houses can be a daunting task!

In this blog, I’ll break down why social media is so important for real estate agents and give you real-life examples of what you can post.

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How to Build a Social Media Following: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you love social media or you despise it, there’s no ignoring the fact that having a strong social media presence is important for modern brands.

Social media is a great place to engage with your target audience, build a loyal following, increase your brand visibility, and promote new products or services. However, building a solid group of engaged followers takes some work. Ready today’s article to learn how entrepreneurs can make the most out of social media!

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Meet the Emily Writes Team: Lauren Shissler, Editor and Writer

Welcome to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! While I started out as a one-woman show, I soon discovered that I needed a team. I certainly can’t do it all, and I am incredibly grateful for each woman who contributes to our success. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to Lauren Shissler, an editor and writer on the team.

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How to Defeat Writer’s Block with AI (and four other proven strategies!)

Are you sick of that pesky writer’s block? Today’s blog reveals my secret weapon: AI! Alongside four other proven strategies, I share how AI has revolutionized my writing process.

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Four Signs It’s Time to Hire a Content Writer for Your Business

Are you on the fence about hiring a content writer? No matter the size of your business or marketing team, help is available. Let’s explore four signs that it might be time to hire an expert content writer to support your business!

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Unlocking the Power of LinkedIn: Six Steps to Building Meaningful Relationships

Relationships matter, especially in business. And the best social media platform for building genuine business relationships is LinkedIn! In this post, I’ll share six practical steps that have helped me succeed.

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Authentic Copy: Why it Matters & How to Write it

Are you one of the many people who get tripped up on what to write online? My biggest advice to you is simple: Just be yourself! Authentic copy is the key to increasing brand loyalty, building trust with your audience, and increasing your sales. I also provide three tips for learning how to write authentically.

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Different Types of CTAs: How to Decide Which One to Use

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to have calls to action (CTAs) on your social media posts. But why? And what kinds of CTAs should you be using?

My latest blog breaks this all down!

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Optimizing Your Creative Energy!

Learning how to maximize your creative energy is an important entrepreneurial skill! In today’s blog, I’ll share how my daily schedule has changed since becoming a mom, and one actionable step you can take TODAY to conserve your valuable creative energy.

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Five Steps to Building an Organic Network on LinkedIn

Are you ready to get started building a network on LinkedIn but don’t know where to start? Or maybe LinkedIn seems intimidating? Never fear, Emily Writes is here with 5 simple steps to create a profile you’ll be proud of and make connections that last!

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The Best Places to Learn About Entrepreneurship

If you’re looking to start your own business, you’re in luck! There are thousands of amazing people and organizations, ready…

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How To Make Real Connections On Social Media

Social media can truly be a beautiful thing in our disconnected, jaded world. It helps us facilitate connections and relationships that otherwise wouldn’t be possible! Learn more about making real connections through social media in this week’s blog.

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Instagram Marketing 101: How to Promote Your Small Business

With over 1 billion users, Instagram is an excellent platform to use to promote your business and grow your following. But it can be very overwhelming! Let’s break down all of the features of Instagram and how you can use it for your business!

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How Social Media Has Changed How We Do Business

From the early days of Twitter and Facebook to the countless platforms out there today, it’s no question that social…

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How I Created My 2022 Content Calendar

I created my 2022 content marketing calendar in about an hour. Here’s my step-by-step process.

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How To Work With The 24/7 Web World… And Still Have A Life

This week, I turned my blog over to another one of the talented writers on my team, Melissa Treacy. Working in the virtual space definitely has its upsides. But it can be hard to balance your work life with your home life when the Internet (and your work!) is there all of the time. Keep reading for some tips from Melissa on how to keep your sanity … and your boundaries!

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Building ON Social Media vs. Building WITH Social Media

This week, I turned my blog over to one of the talented writers on my team! Amanda is here to share why you should build WITH social media, not just ON it.

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Why I Use Agorapulse to Manage My Social Media Accounts

If you manage social media accounts for a business or other organization, software like Agorapulse can bring a level of automation and sophistication to your efforts. I’d like to share why I chose Agorapulse over the myriad of other platforms, its capabilities and drawbacks, and whether or not I recommend it for you!

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How to Write a Thought Leadership Article for LinkedIn

Think of your favorite “thought leaders” in your industry. These are the people who are your go-to sources for all of the latest information and trends.

Wouldn’t it be great if YOU could become one of those go-to people? An industry thought leader?

In my blog this week, I break down how to write a LinkedIn article and why this is an excellent way to build your authority and start branding yourself as a true thought leader!

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100 Call to Action Ideas for Social Media Posts

When I write marketing materials, I’m always searching for the perfect call to action. So I’ve compiled 100 of my favorite CTAs to help other marketers out there! Save this article for the next time you need writing inspiration…

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9 Post Ideas for Your Instagram Feed

Instagram recently announced huge changes coming to its platform. How does this affect you and your business’s content marketing plan? What can you do to adapt your plan to Instagram’s newest changes?

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Getting the Most Out of Your New Writer

Have you recently hired a contracted content writer? Congrats on that great decision!!

I’m here to tell you that a successful, long-term relationship is possible. Here are my four best tips for getting the most out of your new writer.

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5 Productivity Tips for Content Writers and Social Media Managers

As a creative person, it can sometimes be difficult to “force” creativity when I’m not feelin’ it… but still have to deliver.

So over the years, I’ve come up with some tips and tricks that help me stay productive. Here are my top five productivity tips!

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How to Choose the RIGHT Social Media Platforms for Your Business

As a business owner, you know you need to be on social media. But which platform should you choose to focus on? This blog breaks it down for you to help you choose the right one for your needs!

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How to Optimize Your Social Media Bio

The bio on your social media profile is like your personal elevator pitch. Spending the time to craft a well-written and punchy social media bio is well worth the effort. This blog is meant to be your step-by-step playbook for writing a solid bio for each of your social media profiles, for both personal and professional brands. 

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How To Leverage LinkedIn for Your Small Business

Three things happened in the summer of 2005: “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani was topping the music charts. My friends…

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What You Can Expect from Emily Writes in 2021

When I worked in the corporate world, someone gave me this small piece of leadership advice that has really stuck…

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Four Ways to Differentiate Your Facebook and Instagram Posts

You might be surprised to learn that when a client’s social media strategy calls for both Facebook and Instagram –…

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Social Media: So Easy a Caveman Can Do It

I’ll be the first to say that social media isn’t rocket science. Yet there’s a reason I work with so many organizations, solopreneurs, and small business owners to manage their social media. These are smart, capable people who could all run their own social media… if they wanted to or had the time. They choose to outsource their social media because of the four skill sets listed above.

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