Discover the Formula for the Perfect Sales Email Sequence

Why do certain sales emails have you eagerly clicking “Buy Now” while others see the dreary fate of the trash bin in seconds?

The magic lies in the composition of the email – the carefully chosen words that captivate the reader, honestly show the value of your offer, and make the sale irresistible. In other words, it all comes down to the art and science of email copywriting.

In this article, I’ll share the strategies I use to craft high-converting sales email sequences. This formula will help you convert prospects into customers and clients. Inside, you’ll find templates for the six-email, automated sequence that your prospects will receive.

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The Psychology Behind Effective Email Marketing

As small business owners and marketers, we put a lot of work into our email marketing efforts. But crafting emails that capture attention and drive our readers to take action is tricky!

This is where marketing psychology comes into play.

In a crowded digital landscape, you want to earn your spot in a busy person’s inbox. It takes only a second to unsubscribe – so make sure every missive is worthwhile to your audience! Let’s talk about five psychological principles that will help improve your email marketing efforts.

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How to Write a Great Website Homepage

Writing content for a website homepage can feel really daunting, but it’s easier when you have a checklist in hand. Allow me to pull back the curtain and share my exact process for writing content for a website homepage!

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Marketing Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed

You can build a successful business without taking every single tip from every “marketing guru” on the internet. You can design a content marketing strategy that will work for you without forcing yourself to do things you dislike.

But IMHO, there are five marketing skills that every entrepreneur needs to master. Take a look at my latest article, and then let me know what you’d add to my list!

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Is It Worth Having a Website for a Small Business?

Do service providers really need a website? Could you just get by with a great social media presence?

In this blog, I’m going to make the case that small businesses DO need professional websites! In fact, I’ll give you 14 succinct reasons why.

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Meet the Emily Writes Team: Katy Compton, Writer

I’m pleased to close out this short summer blog series where you got to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! In this blog, you get to meet Katy Compton, an incredible writer who writes content that is so much fun to read.

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Meet the Emily Writes Team: Melissa Finley, Writer

Welcome back to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! This week, I’m so excited to introduce you to Melissa Finley. Melissa produces a ton of content for our clients, especially blogs and social media posts that require in-depth research.

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Meet the Emily Writes Team: Amanda Russell, OBM and Writer

Welcome to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! While I started out as a one-woman show, I soon discovered that I needed a team. I certainly can’t do it all, and I am incredibly grateful for each woman who contributes to our success. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to Amanda Russell, my OBM and part of the writing team.

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How to Defeat Writer’s Block with AI (and four other proven strategies!)

Are you sick of that pesky writer’s block? Today’s blog reveals my secret weapon: AI! Alongside four other proven strategies, I share how AI has revolutionized my writing process.

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Four Signs It’s Time to Hire a Content Writer for Your Business

Are you on the fence about hiring a content writer? No matter the size of your business or marketing team, help is available. Let’s explore four signs that it might be time to hire an expert content writer to support your business!

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Unlocking the Power of LinkedIn: Six Steps to Building Meaningful Relationships

Relationships matter, especially in business. And the best social media platform for building genuine business relationships is LinkedIn! In this post, I’ll share six practical steps that have helped me succeed.

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Authentic Copy: Why it Matters & How to Write it

Are you one of the many people who get tripped up on what to write online? My biggest advice to you is simple: Just be yourself! Authentic copy is the key to increasing brand loyalty, building trust with your audience, and increasing your sales. I also provide three tips for learning how to write authentically.

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Optimizing Your Creative Energy!

Learning how to maximize your creative energy is an important entrepreneurial skill! In today’s blog, I’ll share how my daily schedule has changed since becoming a mom, and one actionable step you can take TODAY to conserve your valuable creative energy.

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Why is it Important to Have an Email List?

The consensus is clear – email marketing is critical for businesses of any size! And it’s never too late to start. This blog breaks down the basics of building an email list, including my best tips for growing it.

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What’s Working on LinkedIn Right Now?

It’s no secret that LinkedIn is my favorite social media platform. It’s made a huge difference in the success of my business and my clients’ businesses. But, like any other platform, there are some tactics that work and some that don’t. Let’s talk about four tactics that I’ve found to be successful right now.

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5 Reasons to Use Blogging In Your Content Marketing Plan (+ Experience Business Growth!)

Are you underestimating the power of blogging? Small businesses around the world are tapping into blogs as a way to grow their business. Keep reading to find out how your blog can enhance your content marketing plan and help you take your business to new levels.

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Why Content Marketing Matters: 5 Reasons to Use Content in Your Marketing Strategy

Here at Emily Writes, my team and I produce a lot of content for our clients. So, we may be a bit biased when it comes to answering the question of why content marketing matters… But the truth is in the data – and the numbers don’t lie! Here are 5 BIG reasons why you should use content in your marketing strategy.

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How Social Media Has Changed How We Do Business

From the early days of Twitter and Facebook to the countless platforms out there today, it’s no question that social…

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How I Created My 2022 Content Calendar

I created my 2022 content marketing calendar in about an hour. Here’s my step-by-step process.

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Building ON Social Media vs. Building WITH Social Media

This week, I turned my blog over to one of the talented writers on my team! Amanda is here to share why you should build WITH social media, not just ON it.

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9 Post Ideas for Your Instagram Feed

Instagram recently announced huge changes coming to its platform. How does this affect you and your business’s content marketing plan? What can you do to adapt your plan to Instagram’s newest changes?

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