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Most small organizations struggle to create clear, consistent content for their online marketing efforts. At Emily Writes, our superpower is seamlessly fitting into your brand voice. We craft compelling, irresistible content that inspires, engages, and converts!

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Tasha Schuh
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St. Mark Ministries
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Gillespie Productions
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Rachel Pedersen (social media influencer)
Guest Blog on Rachel's Business Website

Doors + Hardware Magazine
Feature Article (ghostwritten)*
*Additional ghostwriting samples available upon request

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Total Coverage Insurance
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Wired2Learn Academy
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Melissa Swink & Co.
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Wisconsin Rural Schools Association
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Renewing You
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StickerPrice, Inc.
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Amplified Innovation
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Diamond Innovations
Twice Monthly Blog | Case Study

Gretchen Rehm Financial
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Emily Writes A Blog

Social Media Post Ideas for Consultants and Coaches

By emilywritesllc | July 25, 2024

Being a coach or consultant is a rewarding career path – but coming up with fresh social media post ideas after a long day of helping your clients doesn’t always sound like fun!

In this blog, I will share some of my favorite social media post ideas for consultants and coaches – and some great real-life examples, too!

Want to be a Thought Leader? Try Content Marketing!

By emilywritesllc | July 11, 2024

Thought leadership is not just about being knowledgeable; it’s about being KNOWN for your knowledge, and using this expertise to help others.

For small businesses, embracing thought leadership as a strategy can be a game-changer! This blog will teach you how to build thought leadership through consistent content creation. It even includes four clear-cut steps for getting started.

Five Non-Negotiable Elements of a Homepage

By emilywritesllc | June 13, 2024

Your website is your “home” online! But is your homepage pulling its weight? This blog will go over the five non-negotiable elements of your website homepage. PS: It includes a bunch of examples!

Six Social Media Post Ideas for Photographers

By emilywritesllc | May 30, 2024

Photographers have to get creative when marketing themselves, especially in highly populated areas or tourist destinations. But it doesn’t have to cost a fortune! Social media is free, and with the tips and ideas provided in this blog, you’ll be well on your way to filling your calendar for the foreseeable future.

How to Brainstorm New Social Media Post Ideas for Your Small Business

By emilywritesllc | May 16, 2024

With summer coming up, it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your social media strategy. If you’re feeling a bit stuck and not sure where to go next, check out this article for a behind-the-scenes look at my top 5 tips for generating new social media post ideas.

Discover the Formula for the Perfect Sales Email Sequence

By emilywritesllc | May 2, 2024

Why do certain sales emails have you eagerly clicking “Buy Now” while others see the dreary fate of the trash bin in seconds?

The magic lies in the composition of the email – the carefully chosen words that captivate the reader, honestly show the value of your offer, and make the sale irresistible. In other words, it all comes down to the art and science of email copywriting.

In this article, I’ll share the strategies I use to craft high-converting sales email sequences. This formula will help you convert prospects into customers and clients. Inside, you’ll find templates for the six-email, automated sequence that your prospects will receive.

The Secret Sauce to a Sticky Landing Page

By emilywritesllc | April 18, 2024

Have you ever wondered why some landing pages hold your attention like a magnet, convincing you to buy, while others make you bounce faster than a rubber ball?

The difference lies in the “secret sauce” – the words used to draw in the reader and make an offer irresistible! Copywriting magic turns a casual visitor into a loyal customer.

In this article, I’m going to show you exactly how to write great copy for your next landing page. Learn best practices AND explore three hands-on examples!

7 Social Media Post Ideas for Realtors

By emilywritesllc | April 3, 2024

In today’s fast-changing market, real estate agents are finding that having a consistent digital presence is more important than ever! But constantly creating quality content while listing, showing, and selling houses can be a daunting task!

In this blog, I’ll break down why social media is so important for real estate agents and give you real-life examples of what you can post.

How to Use Asana for Project Management (by yourself or with a team!)

By emilywritesllc | March 21, 2024

If you’re anything like me, your plate is full of responsibilities and your mind is packed with ideas. Digital organization tools like Asana give you a place to put all of that chaos and creativity in order.

In this blog, I’m excited to show you exactly how I use Asana to save time in my business operations. I’ll give you helpful examples that you can use, whether you’re a solopreneur or part of a larger team.

The Psychology Behind Effective Email Marketing

By emilywritesllc | March 7, 2024

As small business owners and marketers, we put a lot of work into our email marketing efforts. But crafting emails that capture attention and drive our readers to take action is tricky!

This is where marketing psychology comes into play.

In a crowded digital landscape, you want to earn your spot in a busy person’s inbox. It takes only a second to unsubscribe – so make sure every missive is worthwhile to your audience! Let’s talk about five psychological principles that will help improve your email marketing efforts.

How to Write a Great Website Homepage

By emilywritesllc | February 22, 2024

Writing content for a website homepage can feel really daunting, but it’s easier when you have a checklist in hand. Allow me to pull back the curtain and share my exact process for writing content for a website homepage!

27 LinkedIn Post Ideas for Business

By emilywritesllc | February 8, 2024

LinkedIn is an amazing place to make connections and grow your business! But do you ever feel stuck about what to post? I’ve put together 27 concrete ideas (with examples and templates!) to help you out!

➡️ Let me know which idea you’re going to try…

Marketing Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed

By emilywritesllc | January 25, 2024

You can build a successful business without taking every single tip from every “marketing guru” on the internet. You can design a content marketing strategy that will work for you without forcing yourself to do things you dislike.

But IMHO, there are five marketing skills that every entrepreneur needs to master. Take a look at my latest article, and then let me know what you’d add to my list!

Is It Worth Having a Website for a Small Business?

By emilywritesllc | January 11, 2024

Do service providers really need a website? Could you just get by with a great social media presence?

In this blog, I’m going to make the case that small businesses DO need professional websites! In fact, I’ll give you 14 succinct reasons why.

9 Ways to Use Generative AI to Improve Your Writing

By emilywritesllc | November 30, 2023

This blog provides nine ways I’m using generative AI to improve my creativity and efficiency as a writer. These methods have helped me overcome writer’s block and achieve a better work/life balance since I’m able to do more work in less time!

What’s the Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing?

By emilywritesllc | November 16, 2023

Pop Quiz: If you’re hiring someone to rewrite your website, should you choose a content writer or a copywriter? What about an ebook? Or a slogan?

There’s a gray line between “copywriting” and “content writing” that I aim to define in this blog. When you’re done reading it, I’d love to hear your opinion on how you define each role!

How to Use Generative AI to Create a Personality Quiz

By emilywritesllc | November 2, 2023

Generative AI can be an awesome time-saving tool for content writers. Here’s a quick case study that describes how I used Magai to create a personality quiz for a client’s magnet. I hope it inspires you to try the same for YOUR brand! 🎉

How to Build a Social Media Following: A Step-by-Step Guide

By emilywritesllc | October 19, 2023

Whether you love social media or you despise it, there’s no ignoring the fact that having a strong social media presence is important for modern brands.

Social media is a great place to engage with your target audience, build a loyal following, increase your brand visibility, and promote new products or services. However, building a solid group of engaged followers takes some work. Ready today’s article to learn how entrepreneurs can make the most out of social media!

Learn How to Sell Yourself: Tips for an Effective About Page

By emilywritesllc | October 5, 2023

Your “About” page is one of the most important pages on your website. This is where you can highlight your credentials, build trust with your audience, and really show the world what you have to offer. After all, people do business with people – and they want to know who is behind your organization.

However, your About page isn’t really about you…it’s about your reader! Does that sound confusing?

In this week’s blog, I share why you should curate this page in a way that connects you with your audience while also providing you with actionable tips for an effective About page.

5 Effective Ways to Start Your Blog Post

By emilywritesllc | September 21, 2023

Does content writing work for small businesses? It sure does! Here are 5 effective ways to start a blog post that will captivate your audience and entice them to keep reading.

Meet the Emily Writes Team: Katy Compton, Writer

By emilywritesllc | September 7, 2023

I’m pleased to close out this short summer blog series where you got to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! In this blog, you get to meet Katy Compton, an incredible writer who writes content that is so much fun to read.

Meet the Emily Writes Team: Marcia Dean, Virtual Assistant

By emilywritesllc | August 24, 2023

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been introducing you to my incredible team members. Today, I want to introduce you to Marcia Dean, my Virtual Assistant. Marcia handles a lot of things for our team, including gathering the LinkedIn metrics for all of our clients each month.

Meet the Emily Writes Team: Melissa Finley, Writer

By emilywritesllc | August 10, 2023

Welcome back to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! This week, I’m so excited to introduce you to Melissa Finley. Melissa produces a ton of content for our clients, especially blogs and social media posts that require in-depth research.

Meet the Emily Writes Team: Lauren Shissler, Editor and Writer

By emilywritesllc | July 27, 2023

Welcome to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! While I started out as a one-woman show, I soon discovered that I needed a team. I certainly can’t do it all, and I am incredibly grateful for each woman who contributes to our success. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to Lauren Shissler, an editor and writer on the team.

Meet the Emily Writes Team: Amanda Russell, OBM and Writer

By emilywritesllc | July 13, 2023

Welcome to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! While I started out as a one-woman show, I soon discovered that I needed a team. I certainly can’t do it all, and I am incredibly grateful for each woman who contributes to our success. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to Amanda Russell, my OBM and part of the writing team.