How to Brainstorm New Social Media Post Ideas for Your Small Business

With summer coming up, it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your social media strategy. If you’re feeling a bit stuck and not sure where to go next, check out this article for a behind-the-scenes look at my top 5 tips for generating new social media post ideas.

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The Psychology Behind Effective Email Marketing

As small business owners and marketers, we put a lot of work into our email marketing efforts. But crafting emails that capture attention and drive our readers to take action is tricky!

This is where marketing psychology comes into play.

In a crowded digital landscape, you want to earn your spot in a busy person’s inbox. It takes only a second to unsubscribe – so make sure every missive is worthwhile to your audience! Let’s talk about five psychological principles that will help improve your email marketing efforts.

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How to Write a Great Website Homepage

Writing content for a website homepage can feel really daunting, but it’s easier when you have a checklist in hand. Allow me to pull back the curtain and share my exact process for writing content for a website homepage!

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Key Elements of an Effective Landing Page

An effective landing page is a crucial tool for converting visitors into customers. Use a landing page to drive action on ONE particular offer, and save your website for housing the rest of your business information.

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Different Types of CTAs: How to Decide Which One to Use

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to have calls to action (CTAs) on your social media posts. But why? And what kinds of CTAs should you be using?

My latest blog breaks this all down!

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Why is it Important to Have an Email List?

The consensus is clear – email marketing is critical for businesses of any size! And it’s never too late to start. This blog breaks down the basics of building an email list, including my best tips for growing it.

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