9 Ways to Use Generative AI to Improve Your Writing

This blog provides nine ways I’m using generative AI to improve my creativity and efficiency as a writer. These methods have helped me overcome writer’s block and achieve a better work/life balance since I’m able to do more work in less time!

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Learn How to Sell Yourself: Tips for an Effective About Page

Your “About” page is one of the most important pages on your website. This is where you can highlight your credentials, build trust with your audience, and really show the world what you have to offer. After all, people do business with people – and they want to know who is behind your organization.

However, your About page isn’t really about you…it’s about your reader! Does that sound confusing?

In this week’s blog, I share why you should curate this page in a way that connects you with your audience while also providing you with actionable tips for an effective About page.

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Meet the Emily Writes Team: Lauren Shissler, Editor and Writer

Welcome to a special series where you’ll get to know each of the incredible team members at Emily Writes! While I started out as a one-woman show, I soon discovered that I needed a team. I certainly can’t do it all, and I am incredibly grateful for each woman who contributes to our success. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to Lauren Shissler, an editor and writer on the team.

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How I’m Time Blocking My Summer…with a Toddler in Tow!

In this blog, I’ll be sharing tips for successfully time blocking your summer, whether you’re raising a toddler or simply trying to achieve a more structured workday. I hope you find inspiration and motivation in seeing how I (try) to maintain a healthy balance!

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3 Tips for Being More Efficient When Running a Business from Home

Running a business from home has a lot of “pros” – but it can also be very challenging to stay focused and efficient. This blog covers tips for being efficient when running a business from home, including setting firm boundaries around work, selectively scheduling meetings, and clearly defining your role.

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Taking Care of Yourself: 10 Tips To Practice Entrepreneur Self Care

While the flexibility that comes with being an entrepreneur is a privilege, it also has big implications for your personal and professional life. As entrepreneurs, a lot of us tend to put ourselves last and the term “self-care” has become so much of a buzzword that its actual importance is often overlooked. Here are my top ten tips for how to take some time to take care of yourself so that you can show up more well-rested and creative for your clients.

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Managing Stress While Running a Business

Running a business has a ton of perks … but it can also be very stressful! Throw in an infant’s nap schedule and I was dangerously close to finding myself spinning my wheels instead of busting through my task list.

Luckily, I was an entrepreneur for a few years before becoming a mom so I was prepared with some tips that have helped to keep my stress levels down and my work productivity up.

If you are finding yourself feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, read my latest blog for tips and tricks that I personally use to keep myself calm and collected.

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The Best Places to Learn About Entrepreneurship

If you’re looking to start your own business, you’re in luck! There are thousands of amazing people and organizations, ready…

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How I Use Asana to Manage My Business

Integrating a project management program into your business can be a real game-changer. Once I started using Asana to manage myself – and later, my team – I really began to feel like an owner and not just a freelancer!

Read this blog to see how I use Asana to manage my business.

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How I Went From a One-Woman Show to a Full-Blown Business

“Working alone” and “working for myself” are two very different ideas. In today’s blog, I cover the four strategies I’ve implemented to turn my one-woman show into a full-blown business!

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How To Work With The 24/7 Web World… And Still Have A Life

This week, I turned my blog over to another one of the talented writers on my team, Melissa Treacy. Working in the virtual space definitely has its upsides. But it can be hard to balance your work life with your home life when the Internet (and your work!) is there all of the time. Keep reading for some tips from Melissa on how to keep your sanity … and your boundaries!

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Morning Person vs. Night Owl: Work-From-Home Tips for Maximizing Your Energy Levels and Workload

When you hear the words “work from home” are you filled with dread or jumping with joy?

I definitely fall into the “love it” boat… but not everyone feels the same! Whether you’re working from home out of choice or necessity, I encourage you to check out my tips for making the most of WFH life.

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Getting the Most Out of Your New Writer

Have you recently hired a contracted content writer? Congrats on that great decision!!

I’m here to tell you that a successful, long-term relationship is possible. Here are my four best tips for getting the most out of your new writer.

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How to Network as an Introvert

As a small business owner, you are the face of your brand. But for many of us who self-identify as “introverts,” this can be uncomfortable or downright scary!

I’ve just written about a couple of ways you can embrace networking as an introvert. How do you break out of your shell? Tell me in the comments below – don’t be shy! ?

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How To Leverage LinkedIn for Your Small Business

Three things happened in the summer of 2005: “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani was topping the music charts. My friends…

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