What’s Working on LinkedIn Right Now?

In last week’s email newsletter, I shared this fascinating article straight from LinkedIn:12 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Page in 2023. 

I found it interesting for two reasons: 

  1. As a small business owner who serves mostly small businesses, I’ve always seen more success with individual LinkedIn profiles vs. LinkedIn pages. 
  2. The ideas presented here are truly not what you would expect. 

With those ideas in mind for the coming months, let’s discuss some tactics that are actually working – right now, in October 2022 – for myself and my clients on LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn Tactic #1: Intentional Engagement

I aim to spend 5-10 minutes/day intentionally engaging with my LinkedIn feed and followers. This has allowed me to not only build up a feed that is interesting and relevant to me (because the algorithm is smart!) but this strategy also has expanded my network, improved the reach of my original posts, and resulted in more discovery appointments booked for my services. 

This free handout breaks down the formula I follow for engagement: LinkedIn in 10 Minutes a Day. Essentially, I’m trying to “like”, “comment”, and “share” other posts throughout the week, plus sending a handful of strategic connection requests. 

LinkedIn Tactic #2: Maintain a LinkedIn Newsletter

If you haven’t heard of LinkedIn’s free newsletter tool – go check it out! You can also look at mine for an example. Basically, when you publish articles on LinkedIn – as a page or as a profile – you now have the option to turn that into a publication for your followers and subscribers. 

These “articles” can be published as traditional blogs or you can embed photos, graphics, and videos for more of a multimedia experience. If you are already creating content through a blog, podcast, or email newsletter,  just repurpose your content on LinkedIn! You’ll reach a different audience and build your thought leadership and authority in the process. 

LinkedIn Tactic #3: Create Engaging posts

I’ve written extensively about my tried-and-true content buckets for social media creation. When it comes to LinkedIn, here are the four types of posts that tend to perform the best. (Data pulled from LinkedIn pages using Agorapulse): 

Event Posts

The next time you host an in-person or virtual event, create some content around it on LinkedIn.  If you set up an actual “event” within LinkedIn, you can also invite your connections to attend. You could also post a video invitation to your event (LinkedIn supports up to 10 minutes of native video), feature your event at the top of your profile (here’s how!), and even share PDF or PowerPoint slides ahead of time, to create excitement. 

Team Spotlights & Recognition

Several of my clients, especially in the B2B space, are seeing success when they recognize employees on LinkedIn. That makes sense! LinkedIn is the perfect place to celebrate work accomplishments. Make sure you tag the individual so they have that added recognition. 

Here are a few ideas: 

  • Recognize individual or team performance
  • Try a weekly team spotlight
  • Choose an Employee of the Month

No matter what you choose, make sure you include photos of the people recognized. People like seeing other people. By recognizing your employees, you are giving them the kudos they deserve and showcasing a warm company culture (great for recruiting new team members!)

Branding & Mission

This content bucket looks different for every company. In its simplest terms, you should write about who you are, why your company exists, as well as your mission/values. I’ve found that these from-the-heart posts that reinforce your branding are really engaging on LinkedIn. 

Looking for a call to action for these posts? You could certainly invite people to visit your website or check out your products/services, but I encourage you to go for engagement instead. Here are 67 ideas for calls to action that invite engagement. 

Educational Resources

LinkedIn is a great place for encouraging professional learning and development, so add value to your space by providing educational resources and tips. You can post a video, infographic, or graphic with your own educational material, of course, but you can also leverage others’ expertise. 

Don’t be afraid to share credible information from other sources. This shows that you’re learning and growing, yourself, and it also gives a pat on the back to that individual or company who created the original content. 

LinkedIn Tactic #4: Invite Connections to Like Your Page

I should back up for just a moment…even if you mostly leverage your personal LinkedIn profile for creating content (like I do), you should always have a company LinkedIn page that you can connect to your profile. It adds credibility and gives your business a LinkedIn “landing page” at a bare minimum – even if you aren’t actively posting to that page. Here’s mine as an example.

Regardless of if you’re primarily using your page or your profile on LinkedIn, take 5-10 minutes each month to invite your followers to the page. I’ve helped several clients build up their pages using this tactic, to the extent that one client is now reaching more people on the page than on his profile!

Here’s a screenshot that shows where to do it: 

how to share content with linkedin followers

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