How to Improve Website Conversions

I often see websites packed with passive calls to action, such as “Learn More” or “Read More.” These CTAs don’t give your visitors a clear direction or any incentive to take action. ☹️

➡️To drive more conversions, you need to use active and specific language that tells your visitors EXACTLY what to do! Read today’s blog for a ton of helpful examples.

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How to Write a Great Website Homepage

Writing content for a website homepage can feel really daunting, but it’s easier when you have a checklist in hand. Allow me to pull back the curtain and share my exact process for writing content for a website homepage!

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Learn How to Sell Yourself: Tips for an Effective About Page

Your “About” page is one of the most important pages on your website. This is where you can highlight your credentials, build trust with your audience, and really show the world what you have to offer. After all, people do business with people – and they want to know who is behind your organization.

However, your About page isn’t really about you…it’s about your reader! Does that sound confusing?

In this week’s blog, I share why you should curate this page in a way that connects you with your audience while also providing you with actionable tips for an effective About page.

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Showcasing Your Business Through Well-Written Website Copy

In today’s online world, setting up a website isn’t that difficult. There are a variety of tools, both free and paid, that will help you. But crafting the copy for your website is slightly more difficult. Check out this week’s blog for my tips on exactly how to use your copy to stand out from the crowd!

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What You Can Expect from Emily Writes in 2021

When I worked in the corporate world, someone gave me this small piece of leadership advice that has really stuck…

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