99 Snappy CTAs to Drive Website Conversions

You already know that your website is your online hub! But are you looking for ways to drive more conversions from website visitors? 

One of the most effective methods is to use strong calls to action. CTAs are the buttons, links, or text that encourage visitors to take specific actions on your website. They’re the key to turning website visitors into customers. 

But not all CTAs are created equal! 

Some are bland and uninspiring, while others are snappy, attention-grabbing, and persuasive.

If you want to drive more website conversions, you need to use CTAs that stand out and make an action irresistible. That’s why I’ve put together this free guide with 99 snappy CTAs to inspire you and drive results. Honestly, I’d be shocked if you don’t find one that works for your site!

I’ve been writing websites for a while, now, and I follow the StoryBrand method. That’s where I learned that some CTAs can actually hurt the effectiveness of your website! 

Passive CTAs, such as “Learn More” or “Read More,” don’t give your visitors a clear direction or an incentive to take action. Instead, they suggest that your offer is interesting but not compelling enough to warrant immediate action. 

To drive more conversions, you need to use active and specific language that tells your visitors exactly what to do. So, when creating your CTAs, avoid passive language and opt for snappy and action-oriented phrases that motivate your visitors to take immediate action.

In this free guide, I also included special categories for non-profits and brick-and-mortar businesses, providing CTAs that are tailored to the unique needs of these organizations.

Remember: People skim websites. You need to capture their attention quickly and give them a reason to take action before they click away. With these 99 action-oriented button ideas, you’ll be able to create CTAs that stand out, grab attention, and drive conversions. 

So don’t wait – download this guide today and start improving your website conversion rate!